How to make...bunkers, craters and sea splashes

Some progress on the scenery, thanks to B&Q.  The picture below shows some bits I picked up at the weekend.

These become a large and small crater and the base for some pillboxes and bunkers.

Bit of primer first, then liberal application of external filler (waterproof).

Once dried these will be painted (dark brown in the centre, lighter brown on the crown then some drybrushing.  Not the most realistic but quick and easy!

We need at least 50 dummy bunkers which I'm getting through using these (wire conduits - £1.25 for 25).  Leave one face exposed and put filler around the rest,  Paint, flock etc. and you have another bunker!

Also doing 3D suppression markers.  These represent a grenade / mortar shell / arty strike going off.  Need about 40 of these but quite simple.

This is the base - a birch button from Hobbycraft.  Paint black, dip in flock, paint black then paint the top red then a smaller orange and really small yellow circle. 

Also using these wooden wheels as a base for shell splashes in the sea.  Combined with a white pipecleaner and a bit of paint...

A landing craft comes under concentrated fire!

Oh, some of the finished bunkers from my electrical conduit bases.

And some of my scratch built ones to provide some variety.