Herman Cain's Nine Nine Nein Nein Plan

I don't know why it is that (with the possible exception of John Huntsman) virtually every Republican candidate does better with their base whenever they make irresponsible, racist, bigoted and divisive remarks, or when they dismiss the value of education, critical thinking and/or scientific research.

In Herman Cain's bizarro pizza world, difficult and complex economic, social and political problems ought to be solved by appealing to solutions based on empty soundbites (after all, the man is proud of his disdain for reading, erudition and having complex thoughts), and whenever that doesn't work, he thinks we ought to just fry a couple of Mexicans...

If he were to build that fence, I wouldn't be surprised if he made sure the signs were written in English...

But why stop with Mexicans when you can discriminate against Americans too?