ACW in 6mm - it's on like Donkey Kong!

After stating that he would never contemplate it, over my dead body, never in a million years etc. etc. John has suddenly had a Road to Damascus moment and converted wholeheartedly to playing 6mm ACW.  Previously it was "Give me 28mm or give me death".  Now he's chucking cash at 6mm terrain makers like a one-man recession buster!

I have no idea what rule set this is for - but they do look good!

Now I've always considered that this has got to be the best scale to do the ACW in.  All those troops appearing from all corners of the map, huge areas to fight over...only 6mm can really go it justice.  Armies are cheap to build, easy to paint and scenery plentiful and easy on the eye.  Its also a period I've always wanted to go at.  Sitting between Napoleonics and WW1 it provides a combination of firepower, lots of tactical options and - what we should see - appalling command and control!  I'm reading a book about the ACW at the moment and the common theme from 61-63 is the almost universally terrible generals the North had in command - especially in the East. 

6mm ACW.  Look at them!  Just look at them!

But having sprung for the Rank and File rule set, John has gone doolally and has bought a load of 6mm scenery - including the Lutheran Seminary - and has issued orders for us (i.e. me) to knock out a whopping amount of snake fences and railroads.

I will be doing a lot of these.  A lot. 

He's lined up the scenarios, is already planning a campaign and is generally frothing at the mouth with excitement.  Yet a month ago, mention 6mm ACW to him and he'd let the tyres down on your car and spit in your beer!  It must have been Ian using mind control tricks when Mark and Russ were fighting in the DBA campaign.

The only questions we have remaining is who is going to be the Blues and who the Grey's - and which manufacturer.

Gettysburg.  Try this in 28mm!

I have a soft spot for Baccus but Heroics and Ros may get the nod - simply as the boys have so much H&R stuff already.  But it would be nice to give Baccus a try.

So keep visiting for more updates on this and the other stuff going on.