Getting swamped

Russ came round for a trial run of Zama (Impetus rules) - report to follow.

We got chatting about the various projects on the go at the moment - and I'm getting swamped!  Work alone is eating into my painting time (godammit!) but at the moment all the following need doing...

1) Paint the Prussians for Grand Armee and ensure enough British are availablle for Quatre Bras, Ligny and Waterloo.

2) Paint / collate the Russians for the Spearhead (including a bazillion infantry stands and lots and lots of early war tanks).

3) Paint my 28mm stuff to sell on e-Bay

4) Use proceeds from e_bay to finance a 6mm AWI army

5) Paint up my very old and rare Citadel D&D miniatures (some are over 30 years old!) to sell on e-Bay

6) Paint the remainder of the Parthian army (mainly horse archers) and finish the bases of all those done so far

7) Paint the remainder of the bloody 10mm Gauls (aka the never-ending project).

8) Paint the new Mid Republic Romans so I can sell the old Mid Republic Romans

9) Paint the new Early Imperial Romans from Pendraken

10) Paint the 15C Japanese samurai from Baccus

11) Paint the ACW Baccus units I got off e-Bay

12) Finish off the Japanese village for the Samurai

13) Paint up my Timecast scenery to sell on e-Bay

14)  Paint up the AWI armies (see 4 above)

15) Refurbish, repaint and base all my remaining 6mm US WW2 armies

16) Refurbish, repaint and re-base all my 6mm WW2 British armies (desert and European theatres)

17) Refurbish, repaint and re-base all my 6mm WW2 German armies

Good grief!