Oh for pity's sake!

Not long after springing for FOG Renaissance (and I now need to go for the expansion book for my Japanese army), Russ now informs me that after only a 3 year wait (*rolls eyes*) that FOG Napoleonic has now hit the streets.

We currently use Grand Armee as the Naps rules of choice BUT they only really suit big battles and - I must admit - seeing big squares of troops rolling across the table doesn't tick all my boxes.  Great for the really big battles but not quite the thing for smaller actions.

I hear the boys are discussing bringing back POW Napoleonics (which gives me the heebie-jeebies as it wasn't a set I particularly enjoyed).  It all seemed to come down to whether the British line could inflict enough damage to stop the French column attacking.  If it did - British Victory.  If not - French Victory.  If we do go down that route then we need to consider serious tweaking!

So do we give FOG Naps a try?  I'll need to see some reviews first.  It will also depend on the army list expansions.  If they do the same as ancients (where there were at least 10 expansion books at £12 a pop!) then I may have misgivings.

Anyone know anything about Field of Glory Napoleonic?