The Battle for the War on Women

When you claim that Mitt Romney's wife, a mother of five children, has never worked a day in her life... that's going to upset virtually any sane and compassionate person. Sure, Ann Romney most likely had all kinds of maids, babysitters, nannies and tutors for her kids, but still... being a mom is going to be tough on anyone.

But here is where things get interesting: Conservatives are outraged at this "war on conservative women," while being completely unaware of, or willfully ignoring and actively denying, the fact that they themselves, through massive and numerous pieces of legislation regarding invasive procedures on women's bodies, against their will and without regard for their privacy, have declared what any reasonable person could conclude is a real declaration of war on ALL women, conservative and liberal alike.

And what do such pieces of legislation seek? Well, among other things, to force women to prove to their employers that their birth control is used for medical reasons (not family planning), criminalizing abortion as murder (I wonder if these pro-lifers are asking for the death penalty in such cases), making the use of those lovely, invasive transvaginal ultrasounds mandatory before abortions can be performed, criminalizing single-parenting as child abuse, and even making domestic abuse legal (thanks, Topeka, Kansas!)... oy vay...

But to get to the good part, first we need a little bit of context:

Oh, but what have Mitt and Ann Romney been saying lately? Wait for it...

But there is no real war on women. Clearly, that's just a liberal exaggeration. The real war is on Christmas!... and Easter, Halloween, fossil fuels, salt, chocolate milk, sugary drinks, and potatoes!

Well, and now you know where to go if you want to beat your wife... wow...