Biscuit, anyone?

Not the digestive, chocolate coated or otherwise fattening variety but the wooden type used by joiners to connect two bits of wood together.  I have no idea how they do it (somthing about PVA make them expand into a similar-shaped hole I think) and - frankly - don't case.

You see I don't need them for joinery but wargaming (as 99% of my DIY purchases usually are).  I got 100 of these off Ebay for £5.  They are - as you can see - ship shaped.  So drill a hole in them and paint them up and I've got better ships for my ancients DBA campaign.  But they can also be used for Mark's ancients seafaring battles or generally denoting something nautical.

I'm sure other wargamers can see the potential for a low-cost method of building fleets.

Incidentally I think these bad boys measure around 5cm x 3cm.

Also - it wasn't my idea.  Someone suggested it on another blog.  Once again I stand on the shoulders of giants!