And while Jake might have been with Mama, Mags and & Ro when the pictures were taken, Peter dropped in from somewhere else entirely. (Maybe a party where were the dress code was zapatos el Papa. (Hint, the Pope gets his from Prada)
But after all the random tweets of Jake that flooded the weekend,
But after all the random tweets of Jake that flooded the weekend,
and the week of pictures that had his beard growing like a Magic Rocks kits you had a kid(And btw doesn't his beard looks way darker in the newest pics?)
and suddenly Jake pops up for dinner in Toronto, with not the long arm of the law, but the long arm of a dinner companion across the table
it looks like there was a plan for a little foolin'
but it was week late and a dollar short
It is looking like Jake is getting ready to film An Enemy in Toronto next month. Or maybe it is just his twin in Toronto. (Damn those evil twins)
But there is no fooling about Austin trying to help out friends and their shows... or is there a little?
Hey guys. Watch my friend's show tonight. COUGAR TOWN. They need us.
Now which friend? Brian who was on JFC with him? Buddy Busy? Or is Courtney his new bestie?
And for Two Wheel Tuesday it's Big Wheel -- it was the Bring Your on Big Wheel race in SF this past weekend.
Hey... you see you a Dalmation on a Big Wheel or a Dutchman on a grocery cart it just might be..