Standing on the Shoulders of Giants

This famous phrase, made famous by Sir Isaac Newton, and celebrated ever since, may have been a public attempt at modesty and historical gratitude that was sure to endear him to, and inspire, subsequent generations of natural philosophers, but it may also have been a little bit of an underhanded insult to Robert Hooke, just the kind of thing Newton would do when his gigantic and fragile ego was wounded if anyone dared to question some of his ideas...

Still, the phrase has taken on a life of its own, and it is now used to describe the incredible scientific and technological progress that has taken humanity to the unique position of being able to question its own origin and place in the universe, and to actually start to answer those questions, change its environment, make its dreams more ambitious and then make those dreams come true. The following captivating video is a beautiful celebration of the cumulative knowledge and insight we've gained about ourselves and the universe in only a few centuries, and the amazing feats we've accomplished as a result, by standing on the shoulders of giants:

Hope you're inspired!