Measure out 1.5 oz of the Gosling's and 4-6 oz of your ginger beer of choice, and pour over ice. A lime garnish is permitted, but not encouraged. Keep it simple, and enjoy the subtle nuances of this sophisticated drink.
A Blog That Covers And Collects News Reports And Information On Artificial Intelligence, Robots, And Super Computers.
The countdown has almost ended, so if there's no baby in three days, then we're really on the clock. I doubt they will need to induce labor, though. Both my wife's sisters were very prompt at delivering their babies. I hope that giving birth on the due date is a shared genetic trait in her family.
Growing up, I lived in a strictly no-cussing household. There was zero tolerance for anything resembling swear words. We were not allowed to say that something "sucks." My mom once let the s-word slip while she was driving, and while my brothers and I were shocked, she was even more mortified.
On the other hand, some folks have no problem using salty language around kids. Our neighbors across the street certainly don't let the presence of children inhibit their nonstop barrage of f-bombs and profanity-laced threats.
I haven't decided how to moderate my own occasional cursing. I have recently become more aware when a "bad" word escapes my lips. Involuntarily, I think I am inclined to follow my father's footsteps. At least I have an outlet for venting frustration that didn't exist when he was my age: that's what the Internet is for!
My wife and I both drive 4-door compacts. They are fine cars and I do not have a problem with them. I don't buy into the idea that having kids automatically compels us to purchase a larger vehicle. My wife supports me in this belief.
Nevertheless, the more dad stuff I read the more I wonder... what if I could move up in style? For one thing there's the continuous station wagon coverage on Daddy Types. Now Dodge is driving another nail into the coffin with its Caliber SRT-4. Mister Jalopy makes a strong case for this pretty black hatchback (also available in inferior red color option, shown).
If you are like me then you have only three questions:
I write to remember. One year from now, I will be looking back on my last Memorial Day as a non-parent. So, what were my weekends like before baby came along?
In the mornings I wake up refreshed from a full night's sleep. The dog might start whining around 6:00 when she needs to go outside, but it's just as likely that I'll be awake before then. She takes care of business and I feed her breakfast.
The Internet beckons. After some time-wasting, I check the forecast: if it's not supposed to rain, I water all the plants and tend to our flowers. Then it's back inside for a cup of coffee and some light reading before taking a shower. My wife sleeps in until 10.
When she wakes up, it's time for a little housework. We catch up on chores, do some cleaning, run a few loads of laundry. If the weather is good then we work in the yard a bit. The rest of the day is up for grabs.
At least every other weekend we visit family. We don't have many local friends but sometimes we drive out of town to visit college buddies and, increasingly, their kids. I make sure to get out on my motorcycle once or twice. In the evening I may have a drink to cap off the day, we watch TV for a while, and go to bed around 10.
We've been married without children for three and a half years. It's been a good run so far, but still, I wouldn't want to keep on like this forever. I look forward to seeing what the future has in store.
How quickly things change! By simply installing a beat-up secondhand car seat, I have transformed my plain old daily commuting vehicle into a family car.
Now, when I close my eyes, I can picture my newborn daughter inhabiting that car seat. If my imagination is especially vivid, I can almost smell the pruno fermenting already.
Our dog was fussing and whining at some time before 5:00 this morning. I was frustrated that she was being so noisy while I was trying to rest. To myself I said, "if I get irritated by waking up now, even though I slept through the entire night, how am I going to handle caring for a newborn?"
Then I had an epiphany. It's going to be so much easier with my daughter because I can take care of all her needs in the privacy of my own home. I don't have to go outside. I don't even need to put on pants!
Plus, unlike my dog, I won't have to chase my baby around the yard to make sure she doesn't do anything disgusting with her own feces. At least, not at first.
My whole life is about to be turned upside-down. Does that include giving up video games?In a GameSetWatch article, Mr. Raroo examines the topic of continuing hobbies after the baby arrives. The conclusion? Be prepared to take a hiatus for the first month or two. After that, it's game on... with a few caveats. Your habits may change, but if there's a hobby you truly enjoy, then eventually you'll pick it up again.
It's a good read, whether your treasured pastime is playing games or something else. As it is, although I enjoy video games very much, they are less a priority now than when I was young and single. On the other hand, he did get me thinking about how nice it would be to play DS (or read a book) while I take the bus to work.
I've done that in the past and it worked out swimmingly. It's too bad that taking public transit to my current job would jack my commute up to four hours a day. Looks like I'll be plugging in some headphones and quietly rocking to Guitar Hero during nap time.
With only 20 days until the due date, my wife and I are actively preparing for the labor and birth. This morning my subconscious mind got in on the action.
I had an exciting dream about spies and guns that ended with my wife holding her belly and asking to be taken to the hospital. I thought that she must be in a lot of pain, but she was strong and didn't seem to be concerned. Doors opened and a stream of people came crowding out. All the time, I was crying and saying that it was my fault this had happened to her.
Do you think it means something?
Friends and relatives descended on our home last Sunday to participate in an ancient ritual. The guest list for this ceremony was girls-only, so while they showered my wife with gifts, I excused myself for an afternoon of motorcycle riding. When I got home there was a pile of new baby stuff and our fridge was full of treats. It was a win-win scenario.
In addition to the items from our registry, our baby got some fun and thoughtful presents, like Haba's wooden twisting fish, "Moby." So cute! Best of all, my mother-in-law decorated our nascent nursery with custom fabrics. My wife picked out colors and patterns, and her mom sewed drapes and crib bedding.
It's amazing how much we have accumulated. Although we have most of the things that we truly need, my wife has a shopping list of some stuff she still wants. I have a list of my own, but it's very short; the one item on it is due for delivery in 3-6 weeks.
Clothkits are patterns printed directly on fabric so that you can cut along the dotted line and sew your own babywear. They're sold as an end in themselves, but crafty parents could use them as a launching point for more projects. The cloth you can purchase is very cute, so they're worth buying once. On the other hand, once you buy a kit, you have a pattern... so why not make extra dresses in your own style?
If you have the time and inclination, you could screenprint your own designs over Clothkits patterns. Or, spray on a "tattoo" using stencils and bleach. Doing it twice is also an opportunity to change the dimensions for a custom fit. Your kid can rock it in bespoke clothing!
The due date is one month from today. Starting now, I'm no longer tracking the weeks--I'm counting down days.
For me, the time can't go by quickly enough, although my wife is not quite as excited about the arrival as I am. Which is understandable, since our baby's itinerary for that day includes a scheduled journey through my wife's vagina.
Nevertheless! After eight months of seeing our daughter only as images on an ultrasound or protrusions on my wife's belly, I think we are all eager to meet face-to-face. Only 31 days to go.
Side note: This is not a photo of us, but it reminds me of our honeymoon in France. It will be a long time before we can take another vacation like that again, with just the two of us, but we'll always have Paris.
Last weekend was stressful, exhausting, and exhilarating. My wife and I accomplished a project that we had been working on for the better part of a year. We host an annual event that brings together dozens of organizations and hundreds of participants. As always, it was an amazing experience.
So, what was the most rewarding part of my day?
Playing with my niece when it was all over. (This is getting to be a theme.)