
swarve leo, originally uploaded by lomokev

I can't claim fashion as a hobby for myself, but I am fascinated by what other people are wearing. That makes me just a "people-watcher," I suppose. Except sometimes I see a well-dressed gentleman and get a bug in me to try dressing fancy.

So I tuck in my shirt for a few days, buy a $50 tie, and check out Dressing the Man from our library. After a week I go back to dressing like a slob again because, gosh, it's just so comfortable. Then I come across an article like the recent Coilhouse feature on Ryan Oakley, and the cycle begins again.

If you are prone to sartorial suggestion, use caution when reading Mr. Oakley's blog, The Grumpy Owl. Otherwise you may find yourself standing in your local thrift shop, holding a used coat (and matching vest!) with no clear idea of when you would ever wear it. Bring your wife along on that trip. She can talk you down.