A new enemy for Carthage - the Spanish are coming!

After a week or so concentrated painting, the Ancient Spanish are nearing completion. 

The picture below shows the progress to date.  Apologies for the crappy quality (the screen on my camera is cracked and I haven't got it fixed yet so it's hard to judge how the photos turn out).

In front are the Celtiberian scutarii - 2BG comprising 8 bases each of heavy Impact foot (Pendraken ancient spanish figures)

Behind them are the caetrati - 2BG of protected javelinmen - also 8 bases per BG (also Pendraken ancient Spanish).

To the side of these, the first completed base of Spanish cavalry (Magister Militum figures) - to which I'm adding another BG of large shield Spanish cavalry (for strategic options).  I'm rebasing my existing Pendraken Spanish large and small shield cavalry to ensure I have enough to complete 4 BG's of horse (2 heavy, 2 light).

Then come the Luisitanians (again, Pendraken Spanish) - more medium foot which can be used as allies in certain campaigns (or can double as additional medium scutarii). 

Not that that's likely as the last of the troops on show are just that - 24 bases (3BG) of Iberian scutarii.  Medium Impact Foot (Pendraken again).

I've differentiated the Iberians from the Celtiberains (as they are the same figures) by giving the Celts a 'green' theme and by giving them a wider range of shield colours and designs.

The Iberains have a 'white / red' theme and most shields have a variation on black / red / white.

I still need to drybrush and flock the majority of these - and finish the cavalry off.  But the hard part is done.

The Spanish comprise pretty much Average troops in high numbers.  Their strength comes in hilly or oherwise tricky terrain.  Lots of medium foot can move around and outmanouvre at little or no penalty compared to heavy foot like African Spearmen.  

In addition, the large skirmisher numbers (2BG x 8 bases) makes them able to soak up missile fire and deal a heavy blow to opposing skirmishers (better protected and with a light spear plus extra numbers makes them favourites in any impact or melee against Carthaginian skirmishers).

So much Impact Foot makes them attractive for a full frontal charge - but they would meet Carthaginian allies such as Gauls and Spanish on an equal footing.  Better potentially to use the manouverabilty to exploit terrain and the enemy flanks.

The cavalry is OK but lacks the numbers of Carthage - and will not fare well against elephants (but who does?). 

Should prove a challenge!