Let's Get Physical

Jake hit the road again, working it out before he heads down to Austin later this week for the premiere of Source Code.

Exercise does a body good. Check out these outtakes from last year's shoot for People.

No Thighmaster needed.

Now Austin has a different way of working out and we've got his number.
I just started a new exercise regiment. I'm exhausted.
March 6, 2011

Of course Austin would be a bowler. Where else can you can play with a blower, handle some big balls, suck a longneck, and advertise what a Big Foot you are while shooting off Big Lebowski quotes. "Smokey, this is not 'Nam. This is bowling. There are rules."

Wanna make a bet he tried to wear the shoes out so he could have shoes with stripes and double digits on his heels?

Any guesses on Austin's number?