Selling more stuff on eBay (28mm and 6mm)

I know you'd be massively disappointed if I didn't tell you what I was flogging in order to finance my ever growing Prussian army (as Mark tells me I must have more Dragoons and Landwehr).  So here they are.

28mm Evil Cultists from Artizan's Thrilling Tales range - 5 for less than Artizan charge for 3 unpainted.  I'll base them up on cork before shipping.  They were all on plastic bases but I cut myself badly trying to cut through the glue so half are done, half not. 

Evil Cultists - 28mm Artizan.

Also four 28mm Copplestone Predators.  Not the invisible ones!  (I should have thought of that for April Fools Day!).

Predator Aliens - Copplestone 28mm

Five Copplestone Future Wars Cops with Handguns.  I've got loads of 28mm sci-fi stuff and need to get painted up.  Including some Citadel miniatures that are over 30 years old!  RARE!

Cops with Handguns - Copplestone 28mm

I'm also getting rid of some 6mm scenery that I'm not going to use any time soon.  This includes my Italian village and farmhouse (which can be combined to form a nice BUA for any period from Napoleonics to Modern.  In addition, a Spanish village that can cover the same period (and also double for French at a push).

6mm Italian Farmhouse

6mm Italian Village

6mm Spanish Village

All the links (if you're interested)

Cultists :

Predators :

Cops :

Farmhouse :

Italian Village :

Spanish Village :