Work getting in the way!

Didn't manage to blog at all yesterday or the day before as I had to travel down to London, be in meetings most of both days and spend 3 hours kicking my heels around a very wet Oxford Street (forcing me into Waterstones to buy another book about WW2).

But I did have the pleasure of meeting John Bertrand and his lovely wife (John won the Americas Cup in 1983 and is now the Chairman of the Sport Australia Hall of Fame) and we had a very nice dinner.  A very expensive dinner.  But very nice. 

And - by dint of fortuitous internet booking by the office girls - I spent the night in one of London's top hotels - the St James' (just off Pall Mall).  Making the most of my good fortune (and before the bosses see the invoice and pass out) I spent the night in the most comfortable bed I've ever been in and tucked into a ridiculously priced breakfast (£25!!) before taking on London's Tube network at rush hour.  Talk about calm before the storm!

My bed - yesterday.  The most comfortable one in England.

I used to work in London (many years ago) and can't say I miss the view of a Tube train packed to the rafters and commuters having their faces jammed into the windows.  I managed to brighten their day by getting my laptop bag stuck in the doors (holding up the train for a whole minute) before a friendly commuter pulled the door back (as I was completely jammed in) allowing the bag to fall free. He then got his fingers pummelled by the closing doors and I took out 5 commuters by falling forwards into them.  You can imagine the smiles, laughter and good natured banter that exuded from the Capital's residents I'd bumped into.  You'll have to imagine them as in reality I got scowls, grimaces and a few 'For f**** sake!' instead.  How I love London! 

Anyway, now back in the wet and wild north west and back to blogging ways.  And I will update you on our preparations for the Grand Armee month shortly.  Once I've done some real work.