A La Mode

Out and about in NYC yesterday.

So come on what's the deal... why did I always wind up in the story?What are you talking about?
You know, on Ugly Betty.

What can I say, you're hot, boys like you, you usually dress well, and the writers loved you.
Wait is that Jake?

Wilhelmina: I assumed since you're off to work for Vogue now, you wouldn't be here this morning.

Marc: Oh stop. My head may belong to Anna Wintour, but my heart will always belong to you. And Jake Gyllenhaal. But mostly you.

I wanna kill myself. Wilhelmina and Daniel will not stop fighting over me. This ménage a moi has got to stop! I hate being in the middle. I mean, unless there’s a Gyllenhaal involved.
“Oh, they raised my rent again. Plus Jake Gyllenhaal runs shirtless in the park across the street. Take that, restraining order!” —Marc, on why he had to vacate his old place

(check out it around the 1:15 mark)

Now can I ask you something Jake?
Is that your farmers market shopping cart following us for the last six blocks?