First Italian battleship done!

A bit of furious paint slapping last night got my first Italian battleship done (and the rest of my capital ships aren't that far behind).

The red/white stripes are for aircraft recognition.  I used a matchstick to line up the lines (trying to do it freehand would have been disasterous!). 

Italian battleship!  Boom boom.

I think this is the Vittorio Veneto (the seaplane launcher at the back is the giveaway).  Some capital ships have the red/white fore and aft but this varied throughout the war - so I've plumped for a mid-ground (fore only).

Italian battleship slightly further away.  boom boom.

The base is painted a deep blue (Necron Abuss) to reflect the deep blue of the Med.  The wake is a mix of wet Light Blue and Titanium White.

I'm debating whether to bother with the 'dazzle' paint on the sides.  Italian ships changed their dazzle every year but some were left grey (albeit a light grey compared to the darker grey of ships in northern waters such as British and German).