Caption It

10. "I don't know Nancy, I'm thinking his hat is saying prince but the glasses are saying Bel-Aire."

9. Scarlett for Men by Rhett B.

8. "Pearl do you think Madame Tussauds would make the Prince of Persia holding a Smart Water?" "They might not. But Bruckheimer would."

7. "Don't you just love an A-line? Don't worry dear, it doesn't make you look short or hippy."

6. "Like they say, 'They did do the nose, and the hat.'"

5. "Do you think this could work for those new drapes in the living room? And the ottoman? What? Too much?"

4. "Wow Nancy, these doorman really get into the holiday spirit here."

3. "Do you really think he's a real Nutcracker?"

2. "I just have to ask, did you get this at Chico's?"

and 1.

"Excuse me sir, is this the way to Disney's Holidays on Ice?"