That's a Wrap

For all comments, grumbles, frustrations, discussions, critiques and the fun we've made of the Crazy Tree, it did let give us a lot of Austin.We got three years of seeing our favorite Texan.

And got to know him more through

His co-stars:

And then the talented Mr. Nichols showed up. He is the real deal guys.

Our characters on One Tree Hill are supposed to be exes. So before we ever shot together, we went and grabbed dinner.

The first thing I realized about Mr. Nichols is that he is strange.

People as good-looking as he is don't really need


But like Lincoln, Mr. Nichols exhibits that overwhelming combination of charisma and mystery.

He is the man who has learned every crew member's name and is respected for his kindness.

He hides away on the weekends, and is a master of rumors.

He is an artist,
that takes pride in exploring and exposing all the layers of his characters' personalities.

He uses pet names for women that are old-fashioned and funny.

He is someone you can talk to all day, and still be completely stumped by.

- Hilarie



By not exalting the talented you will cause the

people to cease from rivalry and contention.

By not prizing goods hard to get, you will cause
the people to cease from robbing and stealing.

By not displaying what is desirable, you will cause
the people's hearts to remain undisturbed.

Tao Teh Ching
-Lao Tzu

I have only just begun to read this work.
This is the beginning of the third chapter.

I have nothing really to say about it,
except that it has, in a very brief period,
already had quite an impact on the way I
treat people, myself, how I understand my
beliefs, concerns, and convictions.

The way I organize my life, or un-organize it,
the way I hurl myself through space, or just
let myself be hurled.

I think everyone could take away something

from this writing. :)

your faithful servant,
wild turkey

, and tweets

My bed head is amazing. I'm screaming for USA and my brow has the voovoozela ap!!

I hereby solemnly swear that if the Celtics win, I will streak through the streets of Venice, to the pier, and perform an naked backflip...

I will find another time to get naked and wet!!!

Here is my interview. I tried to do it naked but they threatened to call the cops.

Wow if yall vote for me I will personally hug a tree naked with all of you!!!

Difficult climb.Atlanta airport.Residuals of ambien still in blood. Wandering around like stoned antelope. About to be taken down by lion.

This is bullshit. myself and paul bettany have the longest Wimbledon match in history. It took us ONE MONTH to finish!!!

Meet me at The Grove at 130 today. I have an interview with extratv. Say hello. Or scream. Or get naked.

Is it wrong to get aroused in whole foods?

Got some to read Ayn Rand.

Charmed everyone he met.

Showed us what an animal he is.

It gave us some bad hair.

But lots of shirtless scenes.
He created a new day of the week.

Today is #twowheeltuesday. Everybody get on my bike. I will take you anywhere you want to go.

And some projects on the side.

Introduced us to a Sensitive Julian.

my alter ego, SensitiveJulian sometimes takes over. dont be alarmed if he highjacks my twitter and posts super sensitive messages sometimes

Anybody ever feel like a walk on the beach with a glass of wine. nice sunset. maybe a good cry?

my perfect weekend. wake up early. yoga. followed by a healthy but delicious brunch. swim in the sea. lay in the sand. read a good book.

probably Eat, Pray, Love. (for the third time) then take a shower. healthy dinner. and curl up on the couch for a little sex and city

And a serious director (with lots of potential)

We've seen

A hardworking actor.A big goofball.

A do-gooder

A fashionista.And guy who wears what's his heart not necessarily on his sleeve.

Now don't let this be the last time we see you for a while bud.
Cut and print.

Here's to looking at you.