You said a mouthful...

NOTICE: It looks like Mozilla/Firefox is still working, but Mozilla main page has gone dark. Sorry for the panic guys.

But SOPA/PIPA would change everything, and all the things you enjoy on the internet. If passed it will harm the free and open Internet and endanger freedom of speech that we take for granted.

For those in US, Take action by calling you US Representative and Senators.

The English version of Wikipedia and other major sites will go down for 24-hours to protest the U.S. anti-piracy laws - Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA) and Protect IP Act (PIPA). Other sites joining in include MoveOn, Reddit, BoingBoing, Mozilla, WordPress, TwitPic and the ICanHasCheezBurger network. Google, Facebook, Twitter and Tumblr will not be joining the day of protest, however, all have expressed their stance against the bills.

SOPA/PIPA Protest January 18th

Tomorrow on The Crazy Tree it's all about two words

Coffee Cake

But it seems like last night was all about frozen yogurt.

Jolene962 and I randomly asked two handsome la gentlemen to watch over my illegally parked car at pinkberry. -twitter

we later find out those two lookers were @AUS10NICHOLS and #jakegyllenhaal. Thanks again! You two are adorable and awesome xo! -twitter

What do you have to say Mr. Nichols?

"Oh my God I love coffee cake!"
We know Jake likes frozen yogurt.[How else can you explain 4 containers of it? ; ) ]And it isn't the first time Jake has been spotted out for a late night treat.

And Austin's "issues" with all things creamy are legendary.

i have an addiction to ice cream. this is serious. i am pacing the room right now. trying not to eat it.

its all i want. its all i care about in life. without it, there is no reason to go on!!!!!! i need an intervention. i need rehab.

Mr. Nichols?"Quiet babies, coffee cake. Amazing!"Don't think that's helping your case there bud."This is so good."Yeah it is. ; )

Another Two Wheel Tuesday that's about a different kind of two-fer. : )