Game Night at Deeside Defenders

As I was refereeing the DBA campaign I had some spare time on my hands and did a quick tour of the tables to see what else was going on.

FOW seems very popular at present - there were at least 5 games of FOW that I could see.  Its certainly the most played set of rules at present.

There was also a Future Wars Commander and a Dystopian Wars setup - a 3 way battle with, disappointingly, no Japanese metal Giant Squid.  Boooo!

There was a Black Powder battle that finished very quickly - we were wondering what had happened as they packed up at 9pm (2 hourse before we did).  And a couple of Warhammer 40K battles were underway.

Anyway, some dazzling photos of the other tables...

Flames of War in the desert
Flames of War not in the desert

Don't tell me...Flames of War

Future War Commander

Black Powder - 18C by the look.

Dystopian Wars - looks like a hoot

More Dystopian Wars.