Pictures from Games Night at Deeside Defenders

A selection of pics from our ancients campaign (including the great ACW debate), some of Russ' 10mm Ancient Briton chariots from TB and his H&R Dutch army, and pics from other tables.

Russ' 6mm H&R 18C Dutch.

My handmade split rail ACW fences around some fields.

10mm Ancient Britons from TB in Italy.  Gorgeous!

Our DBA campaign map - The Seleucids not moving due to the army starving to death.

Ian takes his defeat in Sarmatia well - by overdosing on full fat Coke

Mark and the smile of Victory

Steve's new banner for game shows. 

Dystopian Wars

And more Dystopian Wars

Flames of War

Something swords and sorcery based.

And something alien and shooty
And back to us - DBA campaign as Rome invades another peace-loving country for financial gain
John joins the ACW debate at 9pm
9:20pm and he's still going strong.
9:30pm and its back to business, as Russ looks lovingly into his eyes

Final stage : Rome making hay as Macedonia has to rescue their capital and Carthage captures vast quantities of sand.