A Robot That Navigates Like A Person

Image: Future vision: This robot navigates using input from two cameras that serve as "eyes" in a movable "head." Credit: Antonio Frisoli

From Technology Review:

A new robot navigates using humanlike visual processing and object detection.

European researchers have developed a robot capable of moving autonomously using humanlike visual processing. The robot is helping the researchers explore how the brain responds to its environment while the body is in motion. What they discover could lead to machines that are better able to navigate through cluttered environments.

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First Electronic Quantum Processor Created

The two-qubit processor is the first solid-state quantum processor that resembles a conventional computer chip and is able to run simple algorithms. (Credit: Blake Johnson/Yale University)

From Science Daily:

ScienceDaily (June 29, 2009) — A team led by Yale University researchers has created the first rudimentary solid-state quantum processor, taking another step toward the ultimate dream of building a quantum computer.

They also used the two-qubit superconducting chip to successfully run elementary algorithms, such as a simple search, demonstrating quantum information processing with a solid-state device for the first time. Their findings will appear in Nature's advanced online publication June 28.

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House Wren, originally uploaded by J Gilbert

I made a birdhouse in 2007 and stuck it on a pole in my back yard. This year, House Wrens moved in. When I approach, I hear peeping from inside and the adults fly outside to yell at me.

It's fun to have new neighbors. I hope we get to see the babies!

The Patriotic Wars of June

Virtually all of Europe was under his control. Britain was weakening from his blockade, and there were no immediate threats to his hegemony on the horizon.
Napoleon, however, was not satisfied. On 24 June 1812, he launched a massive and fateful invasion of Russia to carry both his power and the French Revolution to its logical conclusion. Nearly 700,000 men, comprised of more than 17 nationalities, traversed hundreds of miles into the Russian interior in a bid to re-establish Poland as a nation-state and overthrow the Tsar.
Upon arriving in the capital of Moscow on 14 September, the Grande Armee found a city wholly abandoned. Rather than being a joyous occasion and a chance to reap the spoils of victory in procuring arms and food, Napoleon's army found its supply line stretched dangerously thin and with no concrete plan to take the battle to the departed enemy.
As the Russian winter began to set in, and the Grande Armee began a strategic retreat. It was too late. Less than three weeks later, the first snowfall occurred (5 November), and the already logistically-challenged army was neither prepared for the cold nor the coming Russian counterattack. Commonly referred to as the 'Patriotic War' in Russia, Tsar Alexander's men surprised French commanders with their skill and tenacity. Between the Russians and the harsh winter, the once certain Napoleon watched his army lose ground and resort to cannibalism at times to survive.
Alexander and Russia would emerge victorious. At the same time, Napoleon was entering the beginning of his end.
The Great Patriotic War, June 1941
Not to be mistaken with 'The Patriotic War' of 1812, 'The Great Patriotic War' was the epic struggle of the Russian army and the Russian people against the Nazi Empire between 22 June 1941 and April 1945.
Similar to Napoleon, Adolf Hitler simply was unable to enjoy his conquest of the Continent. Ideologically, he was forced to carry out a campaign against Soviet Russia to defeat communism and eliminate its Jewish population.
The signing of the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact, which shocked the world two years earlier, accorded both Hitler and Stalin a sphere of influence inside Poland and seemed to have brokered a peace between natural enemies. However, it turned out to be calculated ruse by Hitler. When more than 4 million Nazi troops invaded Russia to carry out 'Operation Barbarossa' in June 1941, Stalin nearly had a nervous breakdown upon hearing the news and went into seclusion for days. Even if, as some historians now suggest, Hitler had acted only to foil an imminent, pre-emptive strike on Nazi Germany by Stalin, the launching of the greatest military force in history against Russia surprised and rattled both Stalin and his commanders.
Once again, poor logistics on the German side and the onset of a particularly cold and snowy Russian winter (temperatures fell to -22 degrees F), caused the Nazi invasion force to halt, freeze and die in droves over the Russian heartland.
After coming as close as 5 miles to Moscow, the Nazi armies had to turn back. Remembering 1812, the Russians employed the exact same strategy against Hitler as they had done against Napoleon a century earlier. After Nazi forces were allowed to march into the interior virtually unopposed, the Russians then preyed upon their vulnerable supply lines and threw waves of men into battle in a series of furious counterattacks. Upon defeating the Nazi armored division at Kursk in the summer of 1943, the might of Nazi Germany had been completely broken on the Eastern Front.
When studying modern world history, it is important for students to recognize the contribution of Russia in upending two dictators bent on military conquest. Hence, if asked to name the nation most responsible for winning the European war of 1789-1815 and the Second World War (1939-1945), the answer should undoubtedly be Russia and their two brilliant 'Patriotic Wars' of June.
J Roquen

Robot Jellyfish Swims Just Like The Real Thing

Jellybot: Sung-Weon Yeom and Il-Kwon Oh

From Popsci.com:

Even though a jellyfish is 90 percent water, it moves at about 40 mph. Jellyfish use their bell -- the top portion, above the tentacles -- to create a jet that propels them through water. Now, scientists at the Chonnam National University in the Republic of Korea have built a robot that mimics the movement. The robot, using an electro-active polymer artificial muscle, retracts and expands its skirt, exerting a minimal voltage and propelling the jellybot faster than you can swim.

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The AI Report -- A Complete Report

From Forbes Magazine:

Can machines think? In 1950, Alan Turing, considered by some to be the father of modern computing, published a paper in which he proposed that, "If, during text-based conversation, a machine is indistinguishable from a human, then it could be said to be 'thinking' and, therefore, could be attributed with intelligence." He predicted that a computer would pass this "Turing Test" by the end of the century. That hasn't happened--yet. But the question continues to provoke and inspire. AI might be just around the corner, or it might be centuries away.

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especialista em flores, originally uploaded by Giovana Ceregatto

Our daughter is learning to enjoy playing outside. At first we sat her on a blanket, and she was okay with that. She started moving around, but the grass bothered her and she avoided it. Then she ate some. After not too long, she was crawling all over like a happy puppy.

Last night I knelt down to pluck some weeds out of the garden while she played in the yard. Ashley was watching. She cruised over, reached into the dirt, and started picking at leaves. Just like daddy!

Sweet peas are ripening. We popped some into her mouth and she loved them, so we gave her a pod to nibble on. Play time and snack time, all in one.



Mr. Clean

Master Bedroom, originally uploaded by WHUhnnnnnnnn

Our house is consistently tidy and clean for showings. There's a place for everything (even if that place is a temporary junk drawer), and everything is in its place. Flowers are blooming, every surface sparkles, and it's amazing how much better our neighborhood looks through clean windows.

I used to come home at night and all my activities were some form of procrastination to avoid cleaning. Recently I feel relaxed and free to do things I actually want to do. Instead of playing video games I'm reading books or gardening. Instead of watching TV I'm fixing and making things. I can actually inhabit my house instead of escaping from it.

Importantly, I'm developing the habit of maintaining the "showing ready" condition. Getting the house clean reminds me how much I like it that way, and inspires me to keep it looking good. And it works because I'm doing it for myself.


Rainy day hens, originally uploaded by aroid

The day our house hit the market, we had two showings, and feedback from the agents was promising. I am trying not to get my hopes up too high, but this is exciting news. We might be homesteading before winter!

I would have only one regret if we sell quickly: missing out on the harvest. Our backyard garden is more vigorous than ever this year. I'd be mildly bummed if we moved to the country only to forsake a bounty of delicious home-grown vegetables.

On the other hand, if I have to exchange our little city garden for a yard full of chickens, I consider that a win.


sunset dog, originally uploaded by bkwrm1012002

My daughter's new hobby is practicing yoga. All on her own, without any prompting from me, Ashley has started pushing herself up into downward facing dog pose (Adho Mukha Svanasana). She can hold it for several seconds, just never long enough to grab the camera.

To market, to market

what i do for flickr! LOL, originally uploaded by bıtzı

Our house was listed on the MLS today. Soon we will be flooded with requests for showing and multiple offers. Until then, if you're curious, you can take a look at it here or here. Tell your friends!

How Obama Should Proceed On Iran

The only news source is state run TV and radio. Independent and foreign media outlets have either been driven out of the country or had their signals blocked.
Thousands of armed police and militia cover the streets and wait to pummel or arrest anyone attempting to speak freely. Women are beaten routinely in the streets. Some of them have been killed in cold blood for marching with other protesters. At night, gangs of armed thugs, state-sponsored mercenaries, invade homes to drag off participants from the day's civil disobedience rallies. Shrieks of emotional and physical pain can be heard almost around the clock - while jail cells fill up with innocent political prisoners.
Welcome to Iran. In this fascist Islamic state, no one is safe from the government. Last week, the population was essentially given a choice: submit or die. Tens of thousands of brave Iranians have chosen the latter in a quest for liberty.
Over a week of senseless and unspeakable carnage, President Obama has chosen to be a cipher rather than a statesman. As an African-American, he should understand the need to speak out firmly against a government determined to enslave its own people. To his credit, the President did 'urge' the Iranian government to stop the violence against its citizens in a written statement from the White House yesterday. However, his handling of the crisis is still woefully inadequate.
The principle rationale behind his virtual silence is both confused and ultimately flawed. According to Obama and his media sycophants, the US cannot afford to 'meddle' in the internal affairs of Iran due to America's egregious history of meddling in Iranian politics from the CIA overthrow of a legitimately elected leader in 1953 to supporting the repressive regime of the Shah until 1979 to thwart Soviet aggression. Indeed, the US has much to account for in its history of heavy-handed tactics in Iran. But that was then, and this is now. After two years of being on the campaign trail for the American presidency, Iranians laud and respect President Obama for (rightly) criticizing his predecessor on the initiation and conduct of the War in Iraq. Hence, Iranians, of which 75% are under the age of 30, not only have no recollection of the 1953 CIA overthrow or the Shah, they also have few qualms with President Obama despite their daily dose of anti-US government propaganda.
As a person partially raised in a Muslim country (Indonesia) and a critic of the Iraq war, Obama is unique in having a staggering amount of credibility on the Arab and Persian streets. Yet, the President continues to remain silent to atone for past foreign policy transgressions. As days pass, President Obama is squandering his two greatest assets: his good reputation and his unsurpassed ability to effect change by using his voice.
President Obama and his administration seem confused. In not endorsing a candidate (i.e. Mousavi), they are correct in refusing to meddle in a sovereign election. Does, however, speaking out against the suppression of free speech and the imprisonment and murder of innocent civilians constitute 'meddling' into the sovereign affairs of another nation? Absolutely not. Human rights transcend state sovereignty, and President Obama seems to be in the dark both on the distinction between the two and how to proceed.
The United Nations: A Tool of Leverage
Strident statements and arrogant expressions, two commonplace features of the Bush administration, are neither necessary nor desirable. Instead, President Obama should use the two greatest weapons in the American arsenal: truth and diplomacy. Over the next week, the Obama administration should begin talking with its allies in Europe and the Middle East about the need for a UN resolution condemning the Iranian leadership and holding Iran in violation of the UN Charter. As one of forty-eight nations in the UN General Assembly to have unanimously voted for The Universal Declaration of Human Rights on 10 December 1948, Iran ought to be held accountable to its provisions which include the following:
Article 9 - 'No one shall be subjected to arbitrary arrest, detention or exile'
Article 19 - 'Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media regardless of frontiers'
Article 21.3 - 'The will of the people shall be the basis of the authority of government; this will shall be expressed in periodic and genuine elections which shall be by universal and equal suffrage and shall be held by secret vote or by equivalent free voting procedures'
By taking the case to the General Assembly in a speech using his oratory skills, Obama could unite much of the world against Iran diplomatically, further divide its leadership and put pressure on the regime to end its violence and make concessions.
Silence: The Road To Regret
A few years after his presidency, Bill Clinton confessed regret for not doing anything concrete to stop the genocide in Rwanda that claimed up to 1,000,000 lives. President Obama is now faced with a stark choice: to remain on the sidelines as a fascist state devours its own men, women and children or to rally the world diplomatically against an illegitimate and tyrannical government in Tehran.
Remember, Mr. President, silence allowed Adolf Hitler to seize and retain power for 12 horrific years in Germany. The world is not asking you to meddle in Iranian politics. The world is asking you to stand up for 'life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness' for everyone in every nation. Thomas Jefferson would expect nothing less.
(Picture: First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt, a primary force behind the creation and adoption of The Universal Declaration of Human Rights by the United Nations, holds a copy of the landmark document - Click to enlarge.)
J Roquen

The Rose blossom

An updated look of our Chrystal....as seen


Blueberry Buckle, originally uploaded by gnuf

The grocery store had 2-for-1 fresh blueberries last week, so I turned one into muffins and the other into blueberry buckle. The buckle was simple to make and very delicious. My wife said it was even better than her mom's, but don't tell anyone.

The muffins were a traditional recipe from Back to Basics, which I'm reading to get pumped up for country living. By the way, there's a lot of great information in that book about self-sufficiency and homesteading skills. I'm scouring the sections on beekeeping, raising chickens, and of course anything to do with food.

Seems I have been baking a lot recently. I love it! I should do this more often.

Tyranny From Tiananmen To Tehran

It was twenty years ago. While baby-boomers, then in their 40s, were busy working and paying off college tuition bills for their children, university students amassed in a central square in Beijing and protested for democracy and reform. A few creative young people in the crowd even managed to construct a paper replica of the Statue of Liberty.
Speech after speech extolled the virtues of free speech and the right to assemble. As day turned into night, and night turned into day, the crowd got larger and larger, and no one was going home until the communist government bowed to their demands. Then, the tanks rolled in. International media coverage was banned, and the Army appeared on the outskirts of Tiananmen Square as government leaders ordered the students to disband. They refused. After watching and listening to their brethren in Eastern Europe, they decided to stand and fight for their future. Out of self-respect as a people, they had no choice. The government, which became increasingly nervous about the prospect of its overthrow, sent in the Army to clear the Square. In the ensuing melee, many unarmed protesters, a number in the hundreds or perhaps thousands, were murdered for attempting to exercise their basic rights as human beings. Thousands of others were jailed. Some of those protesters remain in Chinese prisons today.
That tragic event should have shaped the conscience and foreign policy of two generations of leaders: the baby-boomers and Generation X. However, it has sadly become a footnote - an annual paragraph on the back of newspapers for most of the world. Only the people of Hong Kong seem to recognize its historic call for unity across nations and cultures.
In response to the massacre, President George H.W. Bush sent National Security Advisor, Brent Scowcroft, to Beijing on a secret diplomatic mission one month later. While sipping champagne with the very leaders that ordered the attack on their own people, Scowcroft promised to continue building the relationship between the two governments. In the view of President Bush, China could not be effectively isolated due to its geographical size and population. Moreover, the future of the American economy was at stake. By developing a Chinese middle-class capable of significant material consumption, the US would be able to gain access to the largest market in the world - an outlet for GM cars, Pittsburgh steel and millions of other American made products. In essence, realpolitik won over principle, and it remains one of the most tragic and shameful episodes in the history of American foreign policy. Instead of serving the God of 'life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness' for all people, President Bush chose instead to serve 'mammon' - the God of material wealth at the expense of truth and justice.
Now President Obama, to use his own language, has arrived at a 'defining moment' in history. In regard to the violent government crackdown in Iran, he has thus far acted meekly and wholly out of character - both as an American and as himself.
Barack Obama, where have you gone? In your memorable 2004 speech to the Democratic Convention in Boston (27 July), you roused the chamber to deafening applause by saying, 'It is that fundamental belief that I am my brother's keeper, I am my sister's keeper - that makes this country work. It's what allows us to pursue our individual dreams and yet still come together as one American family.' Mr. President, does not this noble truth apply on an international level as well? Rather than constructing half-hearted statements calculated not to offend anyone in the Iranian government, both Americans and people around the world are expecting nothing less than a bold statement on behalf of the oppressed population of Iran. Abraham Lincoln, the statesman Obama tries to emulate, once said, 'If slavery isn't wrong, then nothing is wrong.' Could not the same be said of governments killing and imprisoning their own people without cause?
Recently, a large number of 'experts' have praised Obama for making sure the US does not appear to 'meddle' in the affairs of Iran. According to them, a denunciation of the Iranian government would give the hardliners a pretext to claim interference by the US and use America as a scapegoat to legitimize the crackdown. In fact, the hardliners in the government will not hesitate to blame the US for the protests regardless of any statements made by President Obama. Anti-Americanism in Iran and in the Middle East is a cottage industry and has long been a fundamental political tactic used by religious reactionaries to justify domestic tyranny. Hence, President Obama needs to stop listening to conventional wisdom and stand up for human rights. On the foreign policy front, where is the 'Change We Can Believe In?'
In April 2006, then Senator Obama condemned the violence in Darfur, praised the Bush administration for labeling the action of the Sudanese government as genocide and called for Americans across the nation to attend a rally for the people of Darfur. Obama's stance on Darfur was rightfully and universally praised. If the prospect of meddling into the affairs of the Sudanese government did not prevent him from speaking out against repression then, then why would he refrain from speaking out against Iranian repression now?
Perhaps an analogy will clarify the transcendent issue. If Franklin Roosevelt had had full knowledge of the scope of the Holocaust during WWII, should he have tempered his comments and simply said 'I'm deeply concerned' (Obama's words on Iran) in order not to offend the Nazi leadership or meddle in the domestic affairs of the Third Reich?
Not only Americans but the entire world must now support the people of Iran in their quest to attain the rights of free speech and free elections. America cannot afford to sell out its ideals again as it did twenty years ago during Tiananmen - for we are all our brother's and sister's keepers - from Texas to Tehran.
(Picture: A brave young man calling for freedom in Tiananmen Square, May 1989)
J Roquen


The Game of Shopping at the Supermarket, originally uploaded by Neato Coolville

Ashley turns one year old today! She is very social, increasingly mobile, and incredibly curious about the world. Every obstacle is an opportunity for climbing, and every object within grabbing range turns into a game. Things she enjoys playing with:

  • Glasses (yanking off faces)
  • Coffee Table (bashing head against)
  • Power Cables (chewing on)
  • Dog Bowls (grabbing, splashing)
  • Doorstops, faucets (sucking)
  • Books (turning pages, handing to me)
  • Food (smearing, feeding to the dog)
  • Sheets (peek-a-boo (also pilfered for this purpose: shirts, diapers, towels, shower curtain)

Last night she held up my cell phone to her ear and said, "hi." Then she grabbed my wrist, pulled my hand close, and slapped the phone into my open palm. I half expected her to follow that up by saying, "it's for you." Babies are smart.

Stealthy Robot "Ferret" Sniffs Out Contraband

From Popsci.com:

Calling a lithe, sniffing robot a "ferret" raises hopes that it'll be rather cuter than the mockup pictured, but the cargo-screening device in development has capabilities that outshadow its aesthetic shortcomings. Though still in its beginning stages -- working prototypes will be ready in about two years -- this robot will revolutionize airport and seaport security by serving as an all-in-one drug, weapon, explosive, and illegal-stowaway detection powerhouse.

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The Mechanic, originally uploaded by North Sullivan

Owning a house has forced me to pick up all kinds of new repair skills.  My level of manliness has significantly increased as I accumulate tools and finish projects. It's like I'm really growing up at last.

In the past year I have learned to:

  • Set up a garbage disposal
  • Hang a light fixture
  • Use a chainsaw
  • Route coaxial cable through the walls
  • Replace a water heater
  • Cut drywall and install a junction box

Why, just yesterday I wired a new ground fault outlet after only four attempts and one mild electric shock.  Now our kitchen is up to code for tonight's inspection.  And soon, if all goes well, we will leave this place and move to a house with new lessons to teach me.

New Exotic Material Could Revolutionize Electronics

Surface electron band structure of bismuth telluride.
(Credit: Image courtesy of Yulin Chen and Z. X. Shen)

From Science Daily:

ScienceDaily (June 16, 2009) — Move over, silicon—it may be time to give the Valley a new name. Physicists at the Department of Energy's (DOE) SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory and Stanford University have confirmed the existence of a type of material that could one day provide dramatically faster, more efficient computer chips.

Recently-predicted and much-sought, the material allows electrons on its surface to travel with no loss of energy at room temperatures and can be fabricated using existing semiconductor technologies. Such material could provide a leap in microchip speeds, and even become the bedrock of an entirely new kind of computing industry based on spintronics, the next evolution of electronics.

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Bookbinding Workshop at Hot Bed Press

This weekend saw Bex and myself head off to Hot Bed Press in Salford to teach a contemporary bookbinding workshop. We had a great time, met some lovely new people who came up with some really impressive books using the techniques we'd taught (see below!).

Busy binding!

Caroline with her concertina Beach Hut book created to house sketches and photographs of some beach huts discovered on a recent trip to Westward Ho. The finished book will have a screen printed cover depicting the front of a beach hut.

Sarah's book has windows so her etchings can be viewed from both sides in this beautiful concertina book. This is a great idea as a showcase for prints or any art works. The book has hardback covers with a pocket on the inside of the back page to keep the original etching plate.

Julie's book employed most of the techniques learnt over the weekend including the section sewn book, japanese stab bind and the envelope book.


stealth bombers back side, originally uploaded by lomokev

I'm thinking about selling the Nighthawk. I enjoy riding my motorcycle, but it's not a spiritual or life-changing experience for me, like it apparently is for some people. I simply don't feel compelled to ride the way that die-hard aficionados describe.

I do enjoy telling people that I have a motorcycle, but that representation is tempered by a secret shame at how infrequently I ride it. You could count on one hand the number of trips I've taken this year, and last year wasn't much better. There are any number of hypothetical reasons not to sell my motorcycle, but the odometer speaks for itself. You can't argue with mileage. What it tells me is that I like the idea of owning a motorcycle more than actually riding it.

Fact is, if I have a chunk of free time (which is rare) and I'm looking for something fun to do, taking off for a joyride on the bike is not at the top of my list. Maybe it's not in my genes after all. I'm a homebody at heart after all.

March Of The Killer Robots

Killing machine: one of America's unmanned Reaper hunter-killer aircraft

From The Telegraph:

The development of mechanical soldiers and remote-controlled tanks and planes is changing war for ever - but the moral consequences have often been overlooked.

It's the most realistic shoot-'em-up game ever. The player has a choice of two planes: a Predator with two Hellfire missiles, or a Reaper with 14. The action takes place in the Middle East, where you can attack villages and kill the inhabitants with impunity. But don't bother looking for it in the shops: to play this deadly game, you'll have to travel to Creech Air Force base in the Nevada desert. That's because the planes are real, and so are the casualties.

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My Comment: The important sentence in this story is the following:

On the ground are between 6,000 and 12,000 robots, up from a mere 150 in 2004.

Extrapolating from current growth, one can argue that in 5 more years we will probably have anywhere from 50,000 to 100,000 plus warbots in stock and/or in a war zone.


originally uploaded by Fatty Tuna

I may take a while to decide, but once I make up my mind to do something, it's go time. We met with a Realtor who will list our property on the MLS next week. I took Friday off and we used the weekend to prepare our house.

Working in the yard reminded me how much I enjoy working in the yard. Spreading mulch, transplanting hostas, and digging up dead rosebushes are fun jobs. If I'm exhausted and covered in sweat at the end of the day, I know I did something right.

Plus, our garden has never looked so good!

A Sea Of Persian Green

Thirty years ago in 1979, Islamic radicals under the leadership of Ayatollah Khomeini turned the world upside down by overthrowing the Shah of Iran, taking dozens of American hostages and creating a rigid and often brutal theocratic government.
Today, the people of Iran are eagerly awaiting the results of an election of historic proportions. Beyond being a referendum on the stewardship of President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, the result will reflect the evolving views of a society increasingly exposed to secular ideas through modern communication technology.
To be sure, few people actually advocate a transition to Western style democracy. However, a bloc of young voters, primarily women between the ages of 21 and 35, are in the process of altering the Persian political landscape regardless of the election winner. Clad in green garb, the color of progressive presidential candidate Hossein Mousavi, tens of thousands of young women have taken to the streets to voice their support for his call for expanding women's rights.
Although popular, Mousavi is not the main draw at his own election rallies. It is rather his wife, Zahra Rahnavard, who captivates and inspires listeners with calls for more equality between the sexes. As the first woman to ever take part in an campaign of a presidential candidate, her appearance alone has galvanized a new generation. In exchanges on Twitter, Facebook and in e-mails, a large percentage of women have banded together to demand an expansion of social freedoms (i.e. liberalizing the Islamic dress code etc.), greater access to education and jobs and a diplomatic posture for peace with the West.
Even if the holocaust-denying, bigoted nationalist (Ahmadinejad) manages to retain power, it is clear that the days of his government are numbered. Of course, progress in Iran may be halted if the Revolutionary Guard decides to maintain the status quo at the point of a bayonet.
The 21st century marks the age of the woman and the non-Caucasian male - a long overdue development in history, and the Iranian government will not be able to hold back the tides of modernity forever. By standing up to a regime steeped in theocratic misogyny and ignorance, the women of Iran have already won.
(Picture: Two supporters of Mousavi clad - and painted in - green)
J Roquen


Abandoned House in Swedish Landscape, originally uploaded by Olof S

Our daughter will be turning one year old next week. In honor of her first birthday, we are going to buy her a new house. After mulling it over, weighing the pros and cons, and waking up from our neighbor's Pomeranians yapping at 1:20 AM, we decided a home in the country sounded really good.

But, before we can make any offers, we have to sell our old house first. It will be fun to try keeping it clean for showings now that Ashley's learning to pull herself up and disrupt things on multiple levels.

Time to kick the decluttering into overdrive!

Eeeek! Robot Mimics Rats

Psikharpax has two cameras for eyes, two microphone ears
and a set of tiny wheels for locomotion.

From Live Science:

Psikharpax the robot rat is the creation of a team of French roboticists. Rather than setting their sights on human-level intelligence, they're trying to figure out and replicate the behaviors of a simpler creature - the rat.

"The rat is the animal that scientists know best, and the structure of its brain is similar to that of humans," says doctoral student Steve Nguyen, showing off Psikharpax at a research and innovation fair in Paris last week. The robot's unlikely name derives from a story attributed to the ancient greek writer Homer about a clever "king of the rats".

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Future Warbot Powered by Xbox Controller

From The Danger Room:

The military has long been interested in unmanned ground vehicles that can haul soldier equipment or scout perimeters. Equally important, the vehicles must be simple and intuitive to operate.

Over at the Flash Blog, Lee Brimelow has an interesting scoop on how an XBox 360 interface was designed for the R-Gator, an unmanned vehicle prototype John Deere and iRobot first unveiled in 2004. Software firm T8DESIGN built the Adobe Integrated Runtime interface for the R-Gator; Brimelow has some images of how it looks on screen.

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A Word With The Inventor Of The Battlefield Snakebot And The Wall-Scaling Snailbot

From Popsci.com:

Israeli roboticist Amir Shapiro looks to the animal kingdom to design robots that can go where humans can't.

The Israel Defense Forces are preparing to deploy a camouflage-wearing, camera-toting robot snake. The spybot, which slithers through cracks and caves using principles of motion derived from those of actual snakes, is just one of roboticist Amir Shapiro's clever designs based on animal physiology. We visited Dr. Shapiro's lab at Ben Gurion University of the Negev to get a closer look.

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Army Mechanic's Garage Tinkering Yields 18-Foot Mecha Exoskeleton

Inside Job: For the new prototype of his mechanical suit, Carlos Owens is planning to feature a chest plate that swings open so he doesn't have to climb in from underneath Jeff Schultz

From PopSci.com:

27 hydraulic cylinders bring the mechs to life, its movements matching those of the person inside it

Carlos Owens had handled all kinds of machines as an army mechanic, but he always dreamed of using those skills for one project: his own "mecha,” a giant metal robot that could mirror the movements of its human pilot.

Owens, 31, began building an 18-foot-tall, one-ton prototype at his home in Wasilla, Alaska, in 2004. Working without blueprints, he first built a full-scale model out of wood. Moving on to steel, he had to devise a hydraulics system that would provide precisely the right leverage and range of movement. He settled on a complex network of cables and hydraulic cylinders that can make the mecha raise its arms, bend its knees, and even do a sit-up.

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Predictive Powers: A Robot That Reads Your Intention?

Joint toy-making activity between robot and man. (Credit: Copyright JAST)

From Science Daily:

ScienceDaily (June 10, 2009) — European researchers in robotics, psychology and cognitive sciences have developed a robot that can predict the intentions of its human partner. This ability to anticipate (or question) actions could make human-robot interactions more natural.

The walking, talking, thinking robots of science fiction are far removed from the automated machines of today. Even today's most intelligent robots are little more than slaves – programmed to do our bidding.

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Jason Isaacs habla de Emma Watson, Daniel Radcliffe y Rupert Grint en nueva entrevista!

Jason Isaacs asistió recientemente a la noche de Sister Acten Londres, durante el evento, Jason habló sobre las jóvenes estrellas de Harry Potter, Emma Watson, Rupert Grint y Daniel Radcliffe, habló sobre como los actores enfrentan su fama y no se han hechado a perder por ella y la riquiza por ser los conductores de la franquicia de Harry Potter.

"Sería tan grande para la prensa, si uno de ellos saliera de los carriles y acaban en la rehabilitación, pero son, en realidad, sólo chicos realmente dulces ".

"Pueden caer hacia atrás en sus montañas de dinero en efectivo", dijo. "No importa. Son muy talentosos y tienen unos a otros como amigos cercanos, que es todo lo que importa, porque nadie más ha sido por lo mismo".

"¿Qué es lo asombroso de ellos? es que son respetuosos y tienen todavía la humildad y la ética de trabajo. He conocido y trabajado a veces con sus equivalentes y no tienen ninguna de esas cosas."

Jason también habla de lo que él cree que será la ruta de Dan cuando sea mayor:

"Daniel será potencialmente un gran director o productor. Esta muy interesado en el trabajo de detrás de cámaras. Recuerde, ellos han pasado más horas delante de la cámara en la última década, la mayoría de las personas que tienen en toda su carrera."

Fotos de Jason en la rueda de prensa se pueden ver aquí:

Fuente: SS

Nueva sesión fotográfica de Emma para la revista Nina!

En la nueva edición de la revista belga, llamada Nina, Emma Watson realizó una nueva sesión fotográfica que fue hecho por Lorenzo Agius.

Los scans los puedes ver aquí.

Fuente: OC

Nuevas fotos del álbum de 'Harry Potter y el Misterio del Príncipe'!.

Mas scans del las estampas del álbum de Harry Potter y el Misterio del Príncipe se han dado a conocer y puedes verlas aquí!

Fuente: SS