Cigar Box Guitar

Hobo Nickel Cigar Box Guitar, originally uploaded by Resist Banjo Works

We use hair bands tied around cupboard knobs to baby-proof the kitchen. Our daughter was pulling at them the other day, and she was delighted by the different plinking sounds she could make. I got the idea to build her some kind of instrument, and with the death of Les Paul fresh in my mind, I decided that my next project should be a simple 3-string cigar box guitar.

There are build plans all over the web. Here's a basic one, and a nicer one. As a general guide I'm starting with the detailed PDF instructions from Maker Workshop. There's another video by GeekDad, and for inspiration I'm looking at beautiful examples like the one above by Resist Banjo Works.

Menards had most of the supplies I needed (except the cigar box and a few little bits I can pick up at Ace). I also got a woodworking file to attempt basic shaping of the neck and headstock. I stood in the rasps and files aisle scratching my head until Natalie started to fuss, then I just grabbed the cheapest one and went home. I'll try to post notes as I go through this project. Wish me luck!