Annoyance 1; (in a chronological series)

The birdman on 3rd and Seneca.

For crowding the sidewalks with pigeons.

Especially at times (the above photo is not) with busiest foot traffic
(8am, 12pm, and 5pm. really? why why why?!).
And right in front of the bus stop?

Actually, to anyone who feeds birds where people are trying to walk,
or outside restaurants when people are trying to eat,
I'm speaking to you on behalf of the city;
We do not like bird flying up into our faces.
No one likes bird poop on their head.
Even the fear of poop can be worse than the actual poop.

Yes, birds are neat.
I like them, too.
And they're (already) especially neat on lamp posts, phone lines, windows sills...
don't encourage them to fly down to the sidewalk.
Do you see what happens?
The birds gather in huge swarms, covering the sky of an entire block.
They do.
I know when you're feeding them from blocks away,
because it looks like a Hitchcock movie.
It scares everyone walking by trying to mind their own business.
Good mood(s) be damned,
you are driving us crazy.

Want to feed them?
Go to the beach.
The park.
A parking lot.
ANY open space (like just three blocks down the hill!)