Man for all Seasonings

Jake loves to cook, hits the farmers market and is all about using what is season.After all these weeks in NYC, what's he been cooking? Or is he?Has he been hitting the farmers markets over in Park Slope or heading to the Co-op that his sister is seen giving time to? Or just popping around grabbing coffee, smoothies and snacks?

In the U.S. the Top Chef on Bravo is a hit, and has plenty of celebrities who go on to judge talented chefs compete. Even two of Jake's good friends, Natalie Portman, Zooey Deschanel, and Maroon 5 have all been judges, come on Jake you love food, you love to cook, and love to talk.

And this season of Top Chef?
It's Top Chef Texas.

Jake, great food, and Texas, all the ingredients for a hot dish. Wait is that the show or weekend at the house?