Shiver My Timbers!

Last night at the Evening with OTH, there was talk about Austin not being handsome enough for the network, but handsome enough to make Joe Davola go gay for him. Of course in the season 9 highlights they show that handsome mug getting the beat down.

Later they asked what would you be if you weren't an actor. Austin's answer?
A pirate.

And on this day of make believe and hijinks you have to wonder what kind of pirate would he be?

Maybe he's talking the Hollywood pretty pirate?
Hey his long wig and Jake's hair accessories from PoP he's half way there.Yes, that is a hornpipe in my pocket and I am happy to see you.

Or it could be The 1979 Pittsburgh PiratesWe are Family!

Maybe he's a little nostalgic with childhood memories of the Princess Bride's Dread Pirate Roberts. Now who could his real life Buttercup be?

Or the Spongebob's Painty the Priate impressions that Jake does got to him. (Halloween M&M's to M&M)

Or the buck he keeps talking about being is a Buccaneer?Maybe he just loves the clothesWell blow me down.

Or like Black Bart the jewels and jewelry.
Or maybe he wants to be a literary pirate and little Treasure Island"They don’t call me Long John because my head is so big."

You know it's all about the Pirate booty and when you got it you got it.
This oneor this one?
And for a guy with a bourbon for a name, and a vodka for a "nic name" you have go for the trifecta of alcohol personae..... Captain Morgan.Avast, me proud beauty! Wanna know why my Roger is so Jolly?

But just could be that he loves
Jake and the Pirates

Here's to lots of sweets and not too many screams.
And if they ask, tell 'em Frank sent you.

photo credit: OTH-twitpic