We Love Food

buttermilk scones (80), originally uploaded by fruitcakey

The weekend: I baked some scones with a recipe from the Joy of Cooking and they were not as good as the ones from Vegan With A Vengeance. What's up with that? Cream is supposed to make everything better.

For dinner Saturday I made our favorite mushroom and goat cheese frittata. It is always so good but since I had the time, I sliced the mushrooms thinly like the recipe says, and it came out even better than usual. On Sunday it was so beautiful outside that I had to grill. We used the leftover goat cheese on a pizza and cooked it over charcoal... delicious.

Jenna made a double batch of chocolate chip cookies that should last us a few weeks. Plus I started preparing our second batch of homemade ice cream. Anyway, I really like making and eating food, that's all.