Re-basing - first off the production line

The first of the Grand Armee bases have been finished.  They are all 3" square (if you're wondering about scale).  They're all 6mm Baccus troops with flags downloaded from the interweb and re-sized.

The Portuguese - two bases with skirmishers.

Portuguese close up - you can see the skirmishers behind the rocks and bushes

Two of the three Dutch bases - no skirmishers, just nice lines of troops

The first British units - Heavy Dragoons and Line Infantry (covered by the Rifles)

The British - officer to the right of the lines keeping them in order.  Rifles providing skirmishing fire.

Heavy Dragoons - officer in the centre with his bugler. 

Brunswickers - my first mixed battle group.  Skirmishers, foot in line and supporting cavalry.

Looking at the mixed group of Brusnwickers, I may do the Prussian mixed groups a bit differently (maybe putting horse on one side and foot on the other).  The ones above look a little bit out of the action!

So - only about 30 other bases to go (groan!)