Thicker bases required!

Having based the Portuguese and Dutch as trials, it's just as well I did.  The card I used as a base medium is a little too thin and has warped - not too badly but enough to show.

As a result I've decided to base my British and Prussians on much thicker card - and place another layer of thin card on those already based.

So I popped into Liverpool with my eldest son to finish the Christmas shopping and got some offcut card from an artist shop I occasionally visit.  This is now cut to size and I'll start using it tomorrow.

Meanwhile on with the current job.

 Looks a bit sci-fi!

The picture above shows the Dutch base (of thin card) having another layer of card glued to it.  The clips are from B&Q (only £1) and are great for this kind of job.  Once dry the warping had gone and the base looked a bit more substantial. 

The thicker based Dutch next to the thinner based Portuguese

I just need to finish drybrushing the current bases and flock them and they're ready for use.  Having gone through the various trials, the rest should now follow a lot quicker.