Back on the Ancients

The next major project is now to get the DBA 6mm ancients campaign.  I'm working on some scenery for the Sword Beach project (minefields and hedgehogs and hedges and roads) but the big painting project is to get the base ancient armies done and then add to them as we go.

So I need to knock out 4 core armies (Romans, Carthaginians, Seleucids and Macedonians) together with 'opposing' kingdoms of Gauls, Parthians, Persians and Spanish (with a sprinkling of other types like Numidians).  This equates to (roughly) 20 bases for each (cavalry, infantry, psiloi and specials like elephants and chariots) - so 80 bases in total.

These will be based for FOG / DBA although they can also be grouped to make up Impetus bases.

Then its on to finish the samurai armies - then begin the AWI armies.