Roll on

As the LA RR Grand Marshal and Mr. Two Wheel Tuesday, I'm here to talk to you about Carmageddon.
I've been through my share of disasters.

And this.

And this.
So I know what I'm talking about.

You might be anxious, not sure what to do with yourself. Find yourself pacing, thinking of all the places you want to go or things you need to do. You may be sitting in your car crying softly with your head on the steering wheel. We love our cars in LA. But here's a solution to Carmageddon.

Get on your bike and ride.Grab your two wheeler, unicycle, trike, or bike built for two, get your helmet and go.

Do you need the cool bike outfit?Naah.
But if you do, show off it.
Maybe coordinate as a family.
Get ready and
hit the road.Stop by and cool off when you need to
Grab a snackMake new friends.
Share it with someone special.
Long Beach to LA As easy as riding a bike.
Cars we don't need no stinkin' cars.