Worm Hole Time Travel

wormhole: A theoretical distortion of space-time in a region of the universe that would link one location or time with another, through a path that is shorter in distance or duration than would otherwise be expected.

And for Jake's version it's a bit more deconstructed.

First there's the "delicacy" of a handpicked fresh very organic worm.

Farm to table ? Please! Jake's done better than that. Try earth to mouth.

And what can you say about Jake and a hole? Sure that you can think of something on your own.

Nothing like the smell of sulfur and dead sheep, mmmm mmm good. Bet Jake couldn't wait to try Sheep a la Wild.
And how did Jake do to prepare for Bear and his wild adventure?

Absolutely nothing.

and the Time Travel?

Source Code will be available on video on demand in the US tomorrow. DVD and Blu-Ray versions of Source Code will be available on July 26th.

Something you might not know, Source Code has grossed worldwide $123,221,377 at the box office, that is before VOD,DVD,Blu-Ray sales and television rights have been sold.And the budget for Source Code? 32 million.