Two by Two

Today is #twowheeltuesday. Everybody get on my bike. I will take you anywhere you want to go.
-Aus10LinkSince you're offering and the song goes:
"Won't you take me to... Funkytown."

It's Funkytown. Besides, you got the threads for it.

And while it is TwoWheel Tuesday is also a Two-fer Tuesday for Jake.

Not only is Souce Code out today on DVD and Blu-Ray, but a Jake cult classic is out for a special anniversary.Source Code, along with the movie comes the extras including featurettes, interviews, scenes and commentary. You can activate, the Access: Source Code feature which "drops a small dial in the lower-left portion of the screen, which counts down to the bursts of content that arrive at odd-and-end points on the screen." What it includes is Cast/Crew interviews, audio recordings from theoretical physics expert Sergei Gukov, and trivia bits about other instances of time travel in art and literature. The commentary is with Duncan, Jake, and writer Ben Ripley. Duncan and Jake "trade revelations about their experiences working on the film, such as the inspiration Jones leaned on for the lighting in Colter's pod (and a sharp point about the window) and the symbolism behind its condition, to the way Jones shifted around the locations to freshen up the visual style." It's been a long time since Jake has done commentary for one of his films, and his comments for Source Code remind the audience what a thoughtful performer he is and how he weighs his acting choices.While Ben’s commentary shares how his story morphed into the film, and how at times it was at odds with Duncan’s take of the story.

And the other half to the Jake two-fer Tuesday?

It is the 10th Anniversary Edition of of Donnie Darko in HD. It will be ten years this fall that Darko premiered. (Can you believe it?)To celebrate the anniversary, Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment put together ultimate collection, containing four discs, two DVDs and two Blu-rays, collectible artwork, a Digital Copy, and both theatrical and Director's Cut editions of the movie.
And you might not be going to Funkytown, but you can still get on your bike and get the funk out.

Picture credit:VDelia