Brokeback in time

A bit of Brokeback was back this week. And it wasn't just from presidential candidates.

It was six years ago this week that the movie debut and a few more pictures from BBM made their way to IHJ this weekend, include a full cast photo.And added a few more behind the scenes photos to the set.
Now that Jake is has sported his Chia Pet chin cover for a while, looking back at the 70's porn 'stache in BBM, is it "Real or Memorex"?

Real?Or movie make up magic?What do you think?

It is ironic Rick Perry broke out his Brokeback jacket for his anti-gay ad, but it is even more ironic the ad came out almost to the day of the anniversary that BBM came out six years ago. The official Perry video has over 565,000 dislikes on YouTube even more than Rebecca Black's Friday.