Rick Perry - Swrong

You may have seen, and been shocked by, the recent Rick Perry ad in which he came out (get it?) and made his religious lunacy and homophobia explicit on national television. Many people originally thought this had to be some sort of joke: no sane person would ever be dumb enough to publicly announce the basis of his candidacy on the outright intolerant bigotry inherited from a bunch of barely literate goat herders. Then again, Perry is not sane, or smart (here's proof of his idiocy).

Of course, his latent and repressed homosexuality was betrayed by his fashion statement, as he was wearing--and you just can't make shit up like this: a jacket almost identical to one of the gay characters from Brokeback Mountain, which was just fabulous :)

Anyway, here's the now infamous ad that became a meme machine:

Those statements about faith are just what you would expect from the same idiot who decided, when his state was confronted with a massive drought, to pray for rain. That's what he did. I kid you not, and how well did that work out? Oh, right...

Anyway, maybe we should give him the benefit of the doubt. Here he is engaging in a little thoughtful introspection and self-reflection:

And yes, while the message seems to be all backwards, maybe you missed the more subtle points. Pay attention again and see if you can find the subliminal message this time:

Regardless of his real position, pretending to represent Christianity kind of doesn't work when Jesus can speak for himself:

And if we really want to generalize as to who's responsible for the real problems, well, you're probably not going to like the truth, you god-fearing vagina penetrators...

And talking about disenfranchised groups, who's standing up for dinosaurs? This guy:

There may be a lot of stupidity on the internet, but thankfully there's also great opportunity for individuals to stand up and make fun of the retarded ideas of a guy who wants access to 21st century state-of-the-art weaponry while having backward stone-age beliefs...