A Merry Christmas? Not with a teenager in the house...

I'm currently using Christmas Eve to paint some Greeks and keep from my temper as my teenage son is displaying all the usual traits of his kind - being stroppy, argumentative, bullying his younger brother (and claiming not to have done anything when challenged), being rude me and his mother, being lazy and generally making life as hard as possible for everyone else.  No doubt tomorrow he will be briefly happy while receiving his Christmas loot then revert to type as soon as the last present is unwrapped.

They say we were all the same when we were his age - but I don't think so.  It may be me but today's teenagers seem to be constantly demanding - of money, things and 'respect' - yet seem to give very little if anything in return.

You can say 'blame the parents' but we've aimed to bring him up the right way and be strict and kind in equal measure - and get nothing but grief in return.  

Maybe Christmas Day will be different - but I doubt it.

Anyway, hope yours will be more fun that ours!  Have a good one, everyone!