Last Minute Shopping

With Elves busy trying to fill all the orders Santa has, OMG is here to help with suggestions for a certain Tall Texan and Spin(Cycle)Master.

For when Jake buys too much from the Farmers Market, a food dehydrator. Hey who wants dried kale!

And they can all play Foodie Fight Rematch game.

Because the boy loves denim, how about a denim tie.

For all those frozen yogurt eaters in the house. The Yonana Ice Cream Maker, that uses frozen banana to make a creamy cool treat.

And the ultimate fake out for the fella who loves coffee and always seems to be snapped getting it, this coffee lens coffee travel mug.

For Austin how about a Lomokino camera. It's a hand-cranked movie camera that turns a 36-exposure roll of 35mm film into 144 frames of retro movie magic. Check out some of the mini movies here.

And another gift for the movie lover, Laurel & Hardy The Ultimate Collection on DVD, that includes special commentary by legendary director Hal Roach.

Or how about this Murray print? That's a retrospective of Bill Murray's films for his wall.

And for those Two Wheel Tuesdays? A little Texas Pride.

And a little bit of home. A print of an Austin landmark.

After being together almost 10 yrs, how about some couple like gifts:

Harper Lee for Jake.Kurt Voneggut for Austin.
Maybe belt buckles.
Jake showing off what he loves about Texas.Austin just showing off.
Or a movie to share. The 50th Anniversary of West Side Story. The fashion for Austin and Sondheim for Jake.

And think they both would get a kick of these:
While a PoP wreath might not work.
But there's always the tree that could use:
A felty flock,
or a string of birds made from a vintage map of Austin TX.Don't forget the veggies. Maybe a fat radish and all about kale.
Happy Hanukkah!