Font of Knowledge

Austin's chatty about fonts but is he telling more about connecting the dots than dotting the i's?

The font Quentin Tarantino uses is called Friz Quadrata Bold. Yes, I know things like this. - AUS10

Wes Anderson uses the font Futura. But Stanley Kubrick got to it first. - AUS10

Why comment about Tarrintino?  Could be that he's made the acquaintance of someone who was in one of Quentin's movie?  Like a blonde co-star of certain fav fella?

Did he think he needed to give other examples just in case he didn't want it to stick out too much , is he trying out for Movie Jeopardy or is he excited about Moonrise Kingdom too? 

Looks like some friends signed up for the Scouting this time with Wes. Moonrise has both Ed Norton and Jason Schwartzman as Khaki Scouts. 

Funny both Jake and Austin could have no problems, just shorten the pants and they would be good to go.

 Of course Austin would want them in corduroy.

We could see that...

Back to those fonts.... Going pretty strong yourself big guy...

care to share what that is...