Calling for Backup!

Word from the Crazy Tree set is that Austin reportedly "wrecked his back".

Hmmm first his wrist, now his back. Because being on a show like the Crazy Tree you don't want to seem like you're getting old, wearing slacks, and hitting up the 2 for $20 at 4 o'clock at neighborhood Applebees.

Maybe he's lifting little somethings a lot. Or just a big something? ; )

Just in case, he might need some help explain the bad back while it heals. So OMG's there to help. Here's:

Top Ten Excuses for Austin's Bad Back.10. Random Tandem (Bedroom) Bikram gone awry.

9. No business class on the NC/LA flights and stuck with the middle seat.

8. Battle of the Eco-cars. Wayback round Leaf vs. Q7.7. Played Cops: The home edition.6. Didn't stretch before full contact backgammon.5. Too much time in the saddle.4. Old red carpet injury: phantom stab pains. 3. Workshopping "SuperTroopers 2: When Dangle met Taylor" aka"RenoLAPD"2. "Planked when I should have goosed."

and the #1 excuse for Austin to use for his bad back:

"It's a basketball injury."

Here's to Two Wheel Tuesdays and sharing the green.

Special Crazy Tree Extra:

Could Feats of Clay be the long lost love child of the Bay City Rollers?Schwahny write it up!