On the Move

Looks like Austin's strapped on the boots and showing who's boss of

episode 9.07, but not without some perks.

Scouting in Kinston, NC. If you roll through, Kings has the best country fried steak and hushpuppies. Thanks V. - Aus10

Kinston is about 85 miles due north of Wilmington, so it was total ROAD TRIP.

And with a road trip you gotta get some eats. - Who says country fried steak and hush puppies aren't a bad perk of scouting.

For Austin having a episode full of flashback for his directorial debut looked like he got a bit of raw deal, but now he gets the reward.

Not only doing some shooting on location, he gets a guest star as well, and not any guest start, but the return of Chad Michael Murrary aka Lucas Scott to the Crazy Tree.

And with Lucas coming back it will be one episode that many will be tuning in to see. Big episode means a really big opportunity for Austin to show off his directing skills.

And who knows, it could lead to other directing jobs in TV after OTH wraps.

Or maybe Dancing with the Stars... say whaaaaaaaaaa?

This morning Rob Fleming an exec at The CW, tweeted asking who from the The CW would they like to see on DWTS, and many said Austin.

With his long lean frame and that carriage he has, he would look great on the dance floor.

The outfits? You could see him having a blast with.. but the rhythm, well... what do you think?

Of course, Jake could give him some tips with moves like this.

But maybe not this for prime time.

And while talking about moving - It's Two Wheel Tuesday!