Left his scruff in San Francisco?

Jake had been seen in San Francisco and Berkeley this weekend. And was snapped last night looking a bit scruffy at the Apple store in Berkeley.

But is he getting all spiffed up today?

Jake was just seen at FSC on Valencia.

What's FSC? Well part of it is F.S.C. Barber, a "premiere barbershop, with expertise in traditional men's services such as haircuts, straight razor shaves, trims and more." With two locations in Manhattan, they opened this past spring in the Mission District in SF. The other part Freemans Sporting Club is retail space with menswear.
So is it shopping or getting a clean close shave? Now who would appreciate smooth cheeks if he did?
Another weekend of making the Crazy Tree The Final Countdown means the cast scattering faster than kids at a kegger when the parents come home early.

And where could the director of Episode 7 be?

Maybe seeing if the dog that ate Dan's heart left it in San Francisco?

Pics: Twitter, IHJ, OTH