West Bank Story - Challahfax vs. Halalifax

I seriously don't understand how Israel has managed to get away with human rights violations of Palestinians for as long as it has, or why everyone (other than the US) turns a blind eye to the shit they pull on a regular basis. I get, and agree, that the Jews have a right to have their own state, but by that very same token, shouldn't they be able to recognize that the same rights should be extended to the people that previously inhabited they land they now possess?

Lots of people have tried to find solutions to the bloodshed. Jon Stewart thinks that the conflict could be averted if maybe Palestine changed its name to Palestein, which is kind of brilliant, but John Oliver and Aasif Mandvi are not so optimistic...

By the way, has anyone else noticed that Netanyahu's wife looks like Fiona from Shrek? :)