Tramps Like Us

Early this morning Austin sneaked in a tweet

One of the finest scenes in cinema history. - AUS10

Agreed it is one of the finest scenes in movie history. (With a great history behind it)

But is there more to this tweet than a cinephile show and tell moment?

Props to one of the best actor/directors in the history of film?
Passing the political commentary of Chaplin along to those who might not ever see it otherwise?

Looking at some classic films for inspiration?

Giving a wink and a nod to the CA, where Chaplin went on location up and down the state, and was a frequent visitor to North Cali?

(Film buffs, check out this great great site of location stills then and now for Chaplin movies and this video/lecture about Chaplin's locations for some of his most iconic films)

Or is he just a fan of The Little Tramp?