Get to Work

Leitz Leica hand tools, originally uploaded by XOques

My parents visited this weekend to help around the house. We discovered an overgrown garden plot full of good black soil which my mom spent the day weeding. I helped my dad hang a door on our master bathroom.

Work is slow. We're getting things done, though, and progress is victory. My parents have moved many times so they are experts at this kind of thing. They recommend allowing yourself three years to really start to feel comfortable at home, but to view the list of projects as never-ending.

It can be frustrating to walk around the house and see so many unfinished tasks. I'll look at something and think, "that would only take a minute to do." Then I remember we have hundreds of jobs that will take "just a minute," plus all the big projects, which we have to balance with limited free time and one--sometimes two--toddlers running around the house. I'd say we're doing pretty well.