Macedonian / Successor Army - units available to date

The main bulk of the Macedonian (and by association the Successor) army is now complete.  I will obviously add to it as I work through the remaining unpainted lead (elephants, scythed chariots, thurophoroi, more hoplites, horse archers...) but at least now I have a core to work with.

Not all the basing is complete - many require drybrushing and flocking.  But that shouldn't take too long.  Some of the units below show the finished bases with grass, rocks and bushes.

Thessalian Heavy Cavalry (also double as Greek Heavy cavalry). 
This is the 'blue' BG (all have blue plumes on the helmets).

And these are the Red BG (red plumes).  These are to counteract the Saka cavalry in the Persian army.

Prodomoroi - essentially Light Horse but armed with lances to take on enemy skirmishing horse.   

Agema (Companions) - Macedon's best cavalry.  Lancers and so best used against heavy horse such as the Persian Guard Cavalry.  I went for a bright colour scheme to reflect their importance on the battlefield.  These with Alexander nearby should be unstoppable!

Greek Light Cavalry - javelin and light spear for mobile skirmishing. 

Hoplites - general heavy foot, best used to protect the pikes flanks, being Offensive Spearmen they are as effective against foot as they are against cavalry.

Hypaspsists - superior Heavy Foot.  Also offensive Spearmen so can anchor the pike flanks. 
Went for light blue shields so they can be easily distinguished from the hoplites

Thorakitai  - medium Offensive Spearmen.  A good balance of speed and 'punch'.  Need to build another BG of these for a couple of armies in the Immortal Fire companion book.

Kataphraktoi - heavily armoured lancers for the Successors.  This is the 'Yellow' BG.

And this is the 'Blue'.  As with the Agema, these are used to eliminate the opponents heavy cavalry.

These are also hoplites but are 3 to a base to represent (for example) Iphikratean hoplites
or any type of medium Offensive Spearmen. 

Rhodian (or Macedonian, Successor etc.) slingers.  This is the first BG of 8 bases. 

And this is the second BG of slingers (should they be needed!)

Archers.  I've bought some Cretan archers from Magister Militum so
these will represent average archers such as Macedonian.  12 bases (just in case!)

Pikes (Phalangites, Foot Companions etc.).  These are the Blue BG (1 of 3).  8 bases of spiky fun!

The Red BG

And the White BG - completing the set for now.

So 354 figures over 116 bases - not forgetting that I need 3 command bases taking it to 361 figures and 119 bases.  This is before all the other remaining troops are added.