Quo Vadis ("Where are you going")

Now that the core of the Seleucid / Macedonian Army is complete, I now have to think as to what I'm going to work on next.

1) Finish off all the remaining Seleucid units (Theuropohoroi, Hoplites, elephants, scythed chariots)

2) Make a concerted effort to get the Gallic Army into something like a fit state to take the field as I have lots of BG's that are half-painted and can try some chariots!

3) Get the Parthians done - all those lovely horse archers and kataphracts!

4) Do the Spanish Army (as some units are already in place but means painting hundreds of scutarii). 

5) Finish off the remaining scenery.

I'm tempted to do 5) so its all done and we can fight any battle then - as we should have a few Persian / Macedonian battles ahead.  But I'm also wanting to finish the Seleucids to open up a wider opportunity for battles (possibly Carthage vs Ptolemaic Egyptians or the Successor states vs Rome).

But those Gauls have been crying out to be finished for months...and those lovely Steve Barber Parthians look so good that I should start knocking them out.  And the Spanish have been 'waiting' the longest.

Perhaps I need another option and then can just roll a dice and let fate decide!