In the eye of the beholder

He's made their most beautiful and sexiest lists before, but this year they just focused on one of his attributes. People Magazine says Jake's got a chest to be thankful for:
And while there's not much argument in that, there's a lot more that make up the man.

One thing is his kind heart and giving back to others.Back in March when Jake was promoting Source Code in NY, he took time off in the middle of the media blitz to help host and play Master of Ceremonies for New Eyes' silent auction.

The auction raised $15,000 and the chance to give more people the gift of sight.
It's not all just show and go for Jake. In the spring of 2010 he became a member of New Eyes' board.

With all the time he has spent on the East Coast he can definitely make the meetings.

Check out New Eyes' new look if you haven't lately.

New Eyes for the Needy

If you do have some old glasses or frames, think about donating them to someone who could use them.
