Settled down?

Jake's never been the party guy that some are in Hollywood, but ....
Jake Gyllenhaal is here at afterparty to support . He just plugged his ears and mouthed "so effin loud" and left ha- justjared

An after party with celebs, hot music and Victoria Secret Angels ....and it's too loud?

Hey Jake your fav, Earplanes makes EarGuards too, if it's getting too loud for ya. Maybe you just prefer something more devilish than Angels.Then again the self professed cookbook collector might have wanted to get back and check out the new addition to the collection.

Love Edible Schoolyard! Jake Gyllenhaal, Ambassador given What Chefs Feed Their Kids......I hope he shares it with Maggie Too!
- source
Wonder if he will share with his sister, or just too busy trying out the recipes on his own taste testers.