Take Shelter Notes

Jake might not have twitter but he could be following Austin's.Wanna see a boss movie? Go see TAKE SHELTER by Director Jeff Nichols. Opens this weekend in select cities.
- AUS10 Sept 29 2011

Last night Jake went to a screening of Take Shelter at the 57th Street Screening Room and stopped to be snapped with Shelter's star Michael Shannon.Take Shelter, written and directed by Austin, Texas filmmaker Jeff Nichols, tells the story of husband and father who has apocalyptic visions and prepares to his family shelter from what he has seen. He begins to question whether he's sheltering them from a coming storm, or from himself.

Star Michael Shannon, who makes his home in Brooklyn, is currently seen on the HBO Emmy award winning show Boardwalk Empire as the complex treasury agent Nelson Van Alden.

This is the not the first time there has been a connection between Austin's tweets and Jake.

Remember Bear? Three months after Austin tweeted about Bear Grylls, Jake talked about Bear to David Letterman.

And we know where that got Jake.